1. Mug a mannequin.
  2. Design battle-gear for your pet.
  3. Play full-contact pictionary.
  4. Make yourself a tail...chase it...with tongs.
  5. Become fluent in swearing in every language. Use your newfound skill liberally.
  6. Go to a grocery store at midnight:
        a.  Buy the 3 strangest things that come to mind. (EX - frying pan, gerbil, WD-40) Go home and write a story centered around these 3 objects.
        b.  Grab a friend. gather miscellaneous items. Have your friend stand in the middle of an aisle with at least one stranger in it. Have them say something like 'I wish I had a box of cornflakes...'Toss cornflakes over separating shelf to friend. Repeat as necessary with other objects. Now follow this stranger, keeping out of sight. If you're lucky, they'll try asking the shelf for random groceries. (added bonus - toss whatever they asked for over to them.)
  7. Reinvent punctuation.
  8. Build a better cornflake.
  9. Translate the dictionary into Swahili.
  10. Learn Swahili.
  11. Join the military. Move to a non-extraditionary country the next day.
  12. Cook your goldfish a steak. Make him eat it. All of it.
  13. Buy a white cat. Tie-dye it.
  14. Buy a black cat. Paint it white. Tie-dye it.
  15. Breed the tie-dyed cats. Get pissed when none of the kittens are tie-dye colored. Return the cats to the store saying they're defective. (Extra points if you actually get your money back.)
  16. Sit in the middle of the street in your bathrobe wondering why you aren't supposed to sit in the middle of the street in your bathrobe.
  17. Wear a cooking pot on your head.
  18. Wrap yourself in aluminum foil.
  19. Wander about in public claiming to be a space-mummy.
  20. Drive across the country in your underwear. If pulled over claim that space aliens stole your clothes, e.g. - Terminator.
  21. Let someone borrow your car. Now steal it back.
  22. Get a degree, any degree will do. (This is only recommended for the TRULY bored.)
  23. Go to work. (See above.)
  24. Build a set of wings for your car. Now tie your car to the back of a truck, or anything fast that can pull it. Attempt to fly (e.g. parasailing but with wings.)
  25. Now, try it with the wings you made attached.
  26. Using the above method, calculate the flight speeds of various household items, fruit, veggies, girlfriends, sofas, you name it. Create a lengthy presentation using the data gathered. Attempt to get hired at any random college to teach Unnatural Flight 101, or any other catchy name.
  27. See how many words you can make out of the name Bob. Names don't count.
  28. Build a raft and use it to become the first American refugee in Cuba.